The Path Between the Pillars

The issue we’ve been discussing for the last several months—the conviction on the part of well-to-do Americans, and people of the industrial world’s privileged classes more generally, that the world really is obliged to do whatever they think they want it to do and be whatever they tell it to be—has another common reflection out…

The Magic Monday FAQ

For quite some time now I’ve been hosting weekly ask-me-anything sessions on occultism on my Dreamwidth journal at Magic Mondays, as I call these sessions—I’ll let you use your psychic powers to figure out which day of the week they happen—have attracted a fair number of people who want to know about various corners…

The Cosmic Doctrine: Atomic Evolution upon the Cosmic Planes

This week we continue a monthly discussion of The Cosmic Doctrine by Dion Fortune, which I consider the most important work of 20th century occult philosophy. Climb in and fasten your belts; it’s turning out to be as wild a ride as I expected. If you’re just joining us now, please go back and read…