The Well of Galabes

All my posts from my earlier blog on occult philosophy and magic, The Well of Galabes, are archived here:

Explaining the World (June 2014)

The Clenched Fist of Reason (July 2014)

The Course the Nations Run (August 2014)

The Unicorn, the Phoenix, and the Dragon (September 2014)

Three Fallacious Arguments: An Interlude (October 2014)

Two Impossible Realities: A Second Interlude (November 2014)

Surfing the Astral Light (December 2014)

A Seafood Dinner in Lost R’lyeh (January 2015)

Changing of the Gods (February 2015)

The Sources of Magical Power, Part One (March 2015)

The Sources of Magical Power, Part Two (April 2015)

Conjuring in the House of Mirrors (May 2015)

What Magic Can’t Do (June 2015)

Sex and Occultism, Part One: Mrs Grundy and the Great God Pan (July 2015)

Sex and Occultism, Part Two: The Pitfalls of Polarity (August 2015)

Sex and Occultism, Part Three: Getting Closer to Reality (September 2015)

The Twilight of the Neopagan Era (October 2015)

A Plea for Occult Philosophy (November 2015)

The Scope of Occultism, Part One: Traditional Operative Methods (December 2015)

The Scope of Occultism, Part Two: Modern Operative Methods (January 2016)

The Scope of Occultism, Part Three: Occult Philosophy (February 2016)

On Beyond Broomsticks (March 2016)

A Wind that Tastes of Ashes (April 2016)

On the Separation of Coven and State (May 2016)

Three Lessons in Operative Magic (June 2016)

How Not to Learn Magic: An Introductory Note (July 2016)

Foundations of Magical Practice: Ritual (August 2016)

Foundations of Magical Practice: Meditation (September 2016)

Foundations of Magical Practice: Divination (October 2016)

The Speech of the Stars: An Astrological Interlude (November 2016)

The Word that Made the Fields Flourish (December 2016)

Occult History, Part One: The Magic Lantern Show (January 2017)

Occult History, Part Two: The Uses of History (February 2017)

An Astrological Interlude: Aries Ingress 2017 (March 2017)

A Few Words About Authenticity (April 2017)

Gnosis, Doxa, and Episteme, or, What Kind of Knowledge Do You Mean? (May 2017)